Snap-Master for Windows is a new generation of PC-based data acquisition, analysis, and display software operating under Microsoft Windows. Snap-Master features a graphical user interface with easy-to-use dialog boxes, graphical icons and a "pick and place" toolbox interface. Each element of a test setup is represented with an icon, and data is carried between elements through graphical data pipes. With Snap-Master and an analog-to-digital card, an IBM compatible computer becomes a data acquisition system, digital storage oscilloscope, strip-chart recorder, controller, frequency spectrum analyzer or waveform analyzer.
Snap-Master's graphical user interface is easy to learn and use. Snap-Master provides flexibility and integration of data acquisition, high-speed data streaming, near-real-time plotting, print-out options, storage and data retrieval. Some of the data collection features include:
- Operation to maximum speed of A/D hardware.
- Sample at high and low speeds. A/D sources can have different sample rates.
- Store up to 500 million data points on a one gigabyte hard disk.
- Pace acquisition with internal or external clock.
- Synchronize the start of data sampling with digital or analog trigger.
- Database storage of information on sensors, transducers and signal conditioners.
Snap-Master's near-real time plotting provides quick results and immediate feedback on your data. Snap Master also supports some of the industry's fastest analog I/O throughput rates. Some of the display capabilities include:
- Plot up to 100 waveforms per display page during acquisition and streaming to disk.
- Low speed waveforms may be scrolled similar to a stripchart recorder, and high speed data may be traced as an oscilloscope. Both operations can be performed concurrently.
- Plot channel versus time (X-T) or channel versus channel (X-Y).
- Overplot up to 10 channels per axis in different colors.
- Quantify data using single or dual cursors for both time and magnitude readouts in engineering units.
For added capabilities, general analysis and frequency analysis modules are also available. These modules may be used alone or with Snap-Master to form one fully integrated acquisition, analysis and control package. Highlights of the general analysis module include arithmetic, trigonometric, logarithmic and statistical functions as well as curve fitting, smoothing and autocorrelation. Decision-making is available using Boolean commands and logical IF THEN, ELSE statements. When combined with Snap-Master the analyzed results can be used for control using analog or digital output values, pausing, and storing data to disk by exception. The frequency analysis module allows you to perform Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs) using one of 12 available window types to calculate frequency spectrum data including amplitude and phase inverse, transfer and coherence functions, impedance, power spectrum correlation and convolution. Low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, or band-reject FIR and IIR filters are also available to remove unwanted frequencies from the data.
Pricing for Snap-Master starts at $995.
To get the Snap-Master software demo, download now.
If you have any questions, please call our Data Acquisition Engineers at 1.800.DAS-IEEE (1.800.327.4333) You may also use our OMEGAfax service. Call 1.800.848.4271 (or 203.359.7884) from any touch-tone phone, and request document #6080.